Increasing Indonesia's Trade Potential, LPEI Brings Indonesian SMEs To Dubai Expo 2020

JAKARTA - The Indonesian government has made various efforts to increase trade potential. One of them at the Expo 2020 Dubai Exhibition is an open opportunity in opening up opportunities to encourage Indonesian export trade transactions.

At the Expo 2020 Dubai Exhibition this time, Indonesia puts forward and promotes the potential for trade, investment, and Indonesian tourism to the world.

The Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI)/Indonesia Eximbank as a Special Mission Vehicle (SMV) of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance in an effort to increase national exports also supports Indonesia's participation in the Expo 2020 Dubai Exhibition. The Ministry of Finance Week Dubai Expo 2020 on 17-23 December 2021 was attended by at least 13 SMEs from various sectors.

LPEI/Indonesia Eximbank Corporate Secretary, Agus Windiarto stated that his party has at least 3 main programs of Consulting Services in increasing the capacity of SMEs, namely the Coaching Program for New Exporters (CPNE), which is a training program for SMEs/business actors for one full year to form or create new exporters. .

Then Marketing Handholding which is a program to accelerate export activities by providing access to the Global Marketplace for SMEs or business actors. And finally, the Foreign Exchange Village, which is a community development program in a commodity-based area.

"At the Expo 2020 Dubai Exhibition this time, we collaborated and collaborated with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia to bring 13 SMEs to the Dubai Expo 2020. The 13 SMEs came from the 3 mentoring programs from Indonesia Eximbank, namely CPNE, Marketing Handholding, and Villages. Foreign exchange. The sector is also diverse, there are coconut products, handicrafts, food and beverages, and plantations. The aim is none other than to help increase Indonesia's export trade potential," said Agus Windiarto in his written statement, Friday, December 24.

Although it does not set a transaction target at the Dubai Expo 2020 Exhibition this time, LPEI hopes that this exhibition can at least open up Indonesia's trade potential. In addition, during the pandemic period, LPEI also consistently provides effective training and assistance to SMEs or business actors.

Through this consulting service program which is its mandate, LPEI has succeeded in forming and creating 75 new exporters, and has brought 49 SMEs into the global marketplace, and also created and accommodated at least 27 foreign exchange villages that impacted 2,894 farmers/weavers/craftsmen.