3 Waitress In Bali Asks Police For Help Via WA Because They Are Being Held Captive, Turns Out To Be Locked By Cafe Operators In The Aquarium Room Because They Are Angry

BULELENG - Buleleng Police, Bali, revealed the cause of 3 female waitresses (waitress) being held captive at Thedari cafe in Banyuasri, Buleleng.

The three female waitresses with the initials PDA (26) DF (20) and YUP (22) were held captive by the cafe operator or his own colleague with the initials MS (24). The reason for the confinement was because MS was upset, the three waitresses were past their working hours.

"Operator (with the initials) MS, performed the act of locking the three watresses

this, because he was annoyed with the three waitresses who had exceeded the working hours at Thedari cafe's workplace. This act was carried out with the intention of providing a deterrent effect because it passed the time limit for opening the cafe," said Head of Public Relations of the Buleleng Police, Iptu Gede Sumarjaya, Friday, December 24.

The incident began when the three waitresses on Thursday, December 23 served guests until 02.00 WITA. After the cafe closed, the three women continued to drink alcohol.

Seeing that 3 waitresses were drinking alcohol, the cafe operator called the three of them to enter the aquarium waiting room with the lights and air conditioning turned off. Then the room was locked by the cafe operator.

"Because the room had no ventilation, one of the waitresses had shortness of breath, causing panic for the two waitresses in the room," added Sumarjaya.

However, the waitresses who were later assisted by the police asked that this case not be processed by law. They chose to settle through the family path.

"To the operator, considering that the operator and the victim are co-workers at Thedari cafe, this complaint has been resolved amicably as outlined in the peace statement that was made and signed," said Sumarjaya.

Sumarjaya previously said that the incident began when the officer in charge of the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) of the Buleleng Police received a message from the hotline service on Thursday, December 23 morning.

The message contained a request for help from someone who claimed to be held captive. In the message, the sender claimed to have been held captive with two of his friends.

"It was five in the morning, one of the three people contacted the WhatsApp number of the Buleleng Police and that he couldn't come out locked or locked from the outside maybe. He called the police asking for help, because one of his friends was vomiting and sick," he said.