Japanese Professor Invents A TV With Flavor, Chocolate And Milk Flavor!

JAKARTA – A Japanese professor has developed a prototype lickable TV screen that can mimic the taste of food. This is billed as a new step towards creating a multi-sensory viewing experience.

The device, called Taste the TV (TTTV), uses a carousel of 10 flavor tubes that are sprayed in combination to create a specific food flavor. The flavor samples are then rolled on hygienic film on a flat screen TV for viewers to try.

"In the era of COVID-19, this kind of technology can improve the way people connect and interact with the outside world," said Meiji University professor Homei Miyashita, as quoted by Reuters.

"The goal is to allow people to have a restaurant-like experience on the other side of the world, even while staying at home," he said.

Miyashita works with a team of about 30 students who have produced various taste-related devices, including forks that make food taste richer. He said that he built his own TTTV prototype over the past year and that a commercial version would cost around 100,000 yen (Rp 12.4 million) to build.

"These potential applications include distance learning for sommeliers and cooks, as well as tasting games and quizzes," he said.

Miyashita has also been in talks with the company about using its spray technology for applications such as devices that can apply pizza or chocolate flavors to a piece of toast.

He also hopes to create a platform where tastes from around the world can be downloaded and enjoyed by users, just as music is today.