Gianyar Bali's Primary KKP Tax Revenue Reaches 100 Percent Reaching IDR 581 Billion

GIANYAR - Tax revenue from the Tax Service Office (KPP) Pratama Gianyar, Bali, has passed 100 percent of the total target set of IDR 580,948,131,000 for 2021.

"As of 19.00 WITA, Thursday, November 23, we have managed to collect state revenues of Rp. 581,761,458,384 or around 100.14 percent of the total revenue target that has been set in 2021," said Head of KPP Pratama Gianyar Moch. Luqman Hakim in a written statement, Thursday, December 23.

KPP Pratama Gianyar is the first Tax Service Office to achieve 100 percent of the revenue target within the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes Bali. This is the best achievement of KPP Pratama Gianyar in the last four years.

"Finally, after several years the tax revenue of the Gianyar KPP Pratama is not 100 percent, in 2021 we have succeeded in passing the set target and thank God this year we were the first to achieve 100 percent in the Bali DJP Regional Office," added Luqman.

KPP Pratama Gianyar has a fairly wide area covering four districts in eastern Bali. The four regencies are Gianyar, Bangli, Klungkung and Karangasem regencies. With such a wide working area, special efforts and strategies are needed to secure the tax revenue target.

"The Gianyar KPP Pratama is quite unique, we have a working area with four regencies which of course we must guard the taxes from the disbursement of APBD funds in each region. Therefore, we always establish good communication and synergy with all local governments in the region. our work," said Luqman.

While responding to the uncertain pandemic conditions and various mobility restrictions such as the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), Luqman said, KPP Pratama Gianyar adjusted the work method.

"We continue to encourage employees to continue to work professionally, serving taxpayers with various alternatives, such as optimizing the use of social media, telephone, online helpdesk which makes it easier for taxpayers to consult or obtain other services," said Luqman.

In addition to adjusting work methods, KPP Pratama Gianyar is also looking for new alternative tax revenues from sectors that have not been optimal so far.

This needs to be done considering that tourism in Bali, especially the eastern part of Bali such as the Ubud and Nusa Penida areas, has not fully recovered. According to him, there are certain sectors that are squirming during this pandemic.

"We, at KPP Pratama Gianyar, continue to explore the potential for taxation in various sectors which are actually growing during the pandemic. So with these new potentials we can accumulate little by little until now we can finally reach the target. Like an army of ants," said Luqman.