Minister Of Home Affairs Encourages Regional Heads To Make Breakthroughs To Boost Vaccination

JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Muhammad Tito Karnavian encourages regional heads to make breakthroughs and creative innovations in boosting the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination.

"There needs to be creative breakthroughs in order to accelerate vaccination. Learn from the experiences of other regions that have been successful, such as DKI above 100 percent, Bali which has almost reached 100 percent, then the Special Region of Yogyakarta," said Minister of Home Affairs Tito in a statement quoted as saying Between, Thursday, December 23.

Not only that, he also dismissed the notion that the problem of low vaccine coverage is related to the geographical condition of an area in the form of an archipelago. Because, he saw that in the Riau Islands (Kepri) the vaccination achievement was quite high.

"Last month I went to Riau Islands, Batam separately, Bintan separately, there is an outermost island in the South China Sea, Sekatung Island, then the Anambas Islands, the waves are big, but the vaccine achievement is high. Even though the island is the farthest," said the Minister of Home Affairs.

The Minister of Home Affairs also gave an example of regions that succeeded in achieving the vaccination target because they used the basis of government administration.

"Just like what DKI and Bali have done. In Bali, starting from a banjar (village) basis, every village has a banjar hall, so there is a spread of vaccinators in every banjar, the village is smaller than the village," he said.

The head of the banjar said he was actively calling the community, anyone who has not been vaccinated will be invited to the vaccination location.

"There the speed of the vaccine is very fast. There is also no mass gathering, so there is no transmission either," he said.

Next, the Minister of Home Affairs continued in Jakarta, using the basis of the RW (Regional Community) government. So per RW, he said, as soon as the vaccine arrived, it was shared with the infrastructure.

"The speed is even higher than Bali because it is based on RW. Mobilization is easier because there are community leaders in the RW," he said.

The Minister of Home Affairs explained that there are areas based on vaccination centers such as the GOR. By being centered in a certain building, the person who was invited there. However, he continued, there is a problem if it is carried out in such a centralized manner, because if there is a crowd, there will be a potential for transmission.

"Parents are difficult to bring there, because it is difficult to walk, sick, it is difficult to mobilize people to go there. The advantage is that it is easier, centralized, the vaccinators are there, there are door prizes," said the Minister of Home Affairs.

Then, continued the Minister of Home Affairs, there are also regions that use a mobile approach, for example by using vehicles, truck laboratories, and on islands based on ships. By using a vehicle, they move with the vaccinator into the village to visit the community.

"Because people are lazy to come, so they pick up the ball. In addition, door to door, especially the elderly, it is hoped that the elderly will be a priority. We are grateful that our current risk of COVID-19 transmission is low. According to WHO, Indonesia is at level 1," said the Minister of Home Affairs.