5 Things To Maintain In A Happy Romance

JAKARTA – Happy to be present because of simple things that are not realized. If your partner often makes you happy, then there is an attitude in your partner that you need to maintain.

A love relationship based on commitment, needs to be built by two people. It's not just enough with love, you know. But mutual respect, understanding each other's boundaries, and supporting whatever your partner dreams of certainly makes a lasting and meaningful relationship for everyone who is a couple. If you feel this way, then keep the following things in mind.

1. Respect

Respect in relationships reinforces feelings of being valued. According to a study conducted by Florida State University reported by Choice Psychotherapy, Thursday, December 23, healthy relationships are not never fight but on average they fight once a week.

Because it is based on respect and feelings of mutual respect, even though they are angry, they still speak the truth so that a happy relationship lasts forever. In addition, partners who respect each other will not hurt each other verbally or physically.

2. Agree to have some time together

Both having a busy life is not a reason to reduce happiness as long as you and your partner agree to have time together. It doesn't have to be extravagant, going on vacation or having a sumptuous dinner, but sitting alone at home can be a happy spice. This needs to be maintained, because if there is no agreement on time, it will be difficult for both of them to do it.

3. Expressing affective action

Starting from giving a hug, an intimate smile, or a kiss on the forehead is a way for someone to express the affective aspect or love. Do you often do it for a partner who makes you happy? Keep it up, yeah!

4. Maintain intimacy

Closeness to someone you love can increase oxytocin in the body. The benefits of the love hormone can reduce stress and strengthen commitment between you and your partner. Intimacy is not only about physical closeness to touch, but also emotional closeness.

5. Partnership

Relationship is a 'work together' couple. If a love relationship makes you happy, then maintain a partnership relationship to navigate the journey of love together. In simple terms, for example, planning a trip for two and sharing tasks will certainly be easier than burdening one plan on one person, right?