PBNU Achievements Under The Leadership Of KH Said Agil

LAMPUNG - At the end of his tenure as Chairman of PBNU, KH Said Aqil Siroj revealed the success he had made in managing the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia. All kinds of progress, from financial management, hospitals to educational issues, KH Said explained to the participants of the 34th Nahdlatul Ulama Congress.

PBNU has hired an independent auditor agency to audit PBNU's Financial Statements. PBNU's financial reports annually based on Independent auditors related to PBNU Revenue and Expenditure Reports for the 2015-2021 period are:

2015 Balance Rp. 1,698,939,065. Admission: Rp. 19,350,256,694. While Expenditure: Rp. 19,427,631,464In 2016 Balance Rp1,621,564,295. Admission: IDR 15,622,017,500. While Expenditure: Rp. 15,317,470,566 in 2017 Balance: Rp. 1,926,111,229. Revenue: IDR 17,265,799,723. While Expenditures: Rp. 13,557,714,869 in 2018 Balance: Rp. 5,634,196,083 Revenues: Rp. 12,780,689,985,- While Expenditures: Rp. 13,846,845,202 in 2019 Balance of Rp. 4,568,040,865 Receipts: Rp. 36,227,946,061. While Expenditure: IDR 34,256,914,575

Year 2020 Balance Rp6,539,072,352. Revenue: IDR 15,223,873,741. While Expenditure: Rp11,492,605,687 in 2021, Balance Rp10,270,340,406. Revenue Rp9,439,475,710. While Expenditure Rp11,421,520,578

With the final balance, the Final Balance until 2021 reaches Rp. 8,288,295,578

Educational institutions owned by NU for the primary and secondary levels in 2020 are 21,045 educational units. The total number of Madrasah 7,832 consists of Madrasah Aliyah 1,985, Madrasah Tsanawiyah 4,856 and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 3,672. While the general school category is 13,213, consisting of 1,670 SMK/SMA, 1,411 SMP and 4,751 SD.

There are 274 higher education institutions in 2021, including 84 PTNU under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Culture, including 15 pesantren-based Community Academies, and 190 PTNU under the guidance of the Ministry of Religion.

NU also has 35 hospitals and 7 clinics under the auspices of the Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic Hospital Association (ARSINU). There are hospitals that are managed directly by PBNU, PWNU, PCNU, Muslimat NU, and NU Colleges.

The LPJ reading session was held behind closed doors. Even so, speakers that emit sound from inside the room can be heard for participants outside the trial location. After Said Aqil's accountability report, a number of plenary participants expressed their views.

Then M Nuh as chairman of the trial concluded that the plenary session agreed that Said Aqil's PBNU accountability report was accepted.

KH Said Aqil Siroj when giving an accountability report at Raden Intan State Islamic University Lampung, Thursday, December 22.