Sissy Prescillia's Story Paves The Way For Vanesha Prescilla's Acting Career

JAKARTA - As a sister, Sissy Prescillia admits that she is proud that Vanesha Prescilla can continue her work as an actor. Sissy, who is 14 from her sister, admitted that she was enthusiastic about promoting her sister when she was not yet famous.

"So initially I was offered to play Backstage, I asked Robert Ronny, who is his sister? I said, just my sister, she is beautiful and very Instagramable," said Sissy when met at Epicentrum, Wednesday, December 23.

Producer Robert Ronny, at that time did not know Vanesha and then asked about it. "So this film appointed Vanesha to play for the first time. Even before Dilan. So Vanessa is not as famous as this," recalled Robert.

Because of that, Sissy said she was proud after seeing her sister's struggle in acting. "I have seen Sasha's development from when she was born until now through her own journey. As a result, I am proud of Sasha because it turns out that she can become an even stronger person, play a better role, and become a professional person," said Sissy.

"And Alhamdulillah there are those who continue my work here and I am very proud of Sasha," he continued.

For the first time, Sissy Prescillia and Vanesha Prescilla were brought together in a musical wrapped in a drama film entitled "Backstage" directed by Guntur Soeharjanto.

In the film, they play a brother and sister who pursue their dream of becoming a famous singer. But on their way, they are faced with an unexpected thing.

Sissy said the film "Backstage" felt very personal for her and Vanesha. "For us, because it is the two of us who play and the story is like the journey of the two of us, brothers and sisters," said Sissy.

Not only acting, the two of them will also sing in the movie "Backstage". There are three new songs and four remake songs arranged by Andi Rianto and will be performed in the film.

Sissy and Vanesha Precilla hope that the film they star in together will not only entertain and bring positive messages to the audience, but also make their late father proud.

"We hope that Papa will be there and witness this. Papa has always wanted his children to be successful and achieve their respective targets. Maybe because Papa really wants to see Sasha at one point. So if Papa is still around and sees Sasha now he will be proud," he said.