Testimony Of Neighbors Of Suspected Terrorists Arrested In Sampit, Central Kalimantan

SAMPIT - The arrest of three suspected terrorists shocked the public, especially residents on Pemuda Street, Mentawa Baru District, Ketapang, Sampit, East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan, where the suspected terrorists live.

"I was surprised to learn this, because so far there has been no suspicious activity. When they meet, they are also friendly. Their restaurant is also full of buyers," said Anwar, owner of a photocopy shop on Pemuda Street, Thursday, December 23.

The shop where Anwar runs a photocopying business is adjacent to the restaurant where the suspected terrorists live. The restaurant was searched by the Detachment 88 Anti-terror team, assisted by the Central Kalimantan Police Satbrimob, because it was suspected to be the residence of three suspected terrorists, namely MS alias L, ARE alias AZ alias AQ, and RT alias F alias ZAY.

Police suspect the three terrorist suspects are from the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) group which is affiliated to the Islamic State (ISIS) and pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and his successor. The suspected terrorists, suspected to be carrying out their actions in this area at the end of the year, were quickly arrested.

According to Anwar, the restaurant which was searched by the Densus 88 Anti-terror Team had been open for about a year. There are four people who inhabit the restaurant as well as the residence, namely a husband and wife and two other men, one of whom is usually seen using a wheelchair.

Anwar admitted that he was not very familiar with the people who lived in the restaurant, but they always greeted each other when they met. Some of them are seen frequently praying to the Noor Agung Mosque, which is located across the street.

So far, no suspicious activity has been seen in the restaurant. For this reason, local residents did not suspect anything and did not think that their neighbor was a suspected terrorist.

During the search, Anwar did not see directly because he was on business outside. There was only one female employee guarding the shop. However, the employee also went straight into the shop when he saw lots of cars coming and the police came out to search the restaurant suspected of being the residence of the suspected terrorist.

"When I arrived there were still two cars, but then immediately left the location. I don't know if it was a search, because no one really saw it closely," said Anwar.

Rahmat, another local resident admitted that he did not expect the incident. He often buys food at the restaurant. There is nothing suspicious or suggestive of terrorist activity.

"So far it's been normal. But when they serve buyers, they don't talk much. But I think it's normal. There's nothing suspicious. That's why I was surprised to hear this incident," said Rahmat.

Central Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Nanang Avianto was represented by the Head When contacted, Grand Commissioner Kismanto Eko Saputro confirmed the arrest of three suspected terrorists. One person was arrested in Palangka Raya and two people were arrested in Sampit on the evening of Tuesday, December 21.

The three suspected terrorists had the initials MS alias L, ARE alias AZ alias AQ, and RT alias F alias ZAY. They are suspected of being terrorists from the Ansharud Daulah Network (JAD) which is affiliated to the Islamic State (ISIS) and pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and his successors. They are suspected of carrying out acts of terror in Central Kalimantan at the end of 2021.

The suspected terrorists were taken to Palangka Raya for further investigation. Meanwhile, the team is also continuing to investigate this case, because the alleged perpetrators reportedly recruited a number of people as sympathizers to support their action plan.

"This case continues to be investigated. They will be examined intensively," said Eko as quoted by Antara.