Indosat Ooredo Follows Up The Advertising Spam SMS Sued By Alvin Lie

JAKARTA - PT Indosat Tbk respects the lawsuit filed by Alvin Lie for receiving continuous advertising SMS messages. The cellular operator ensures that it will follow up on the complaint as quickly as possible.

"The company respects the right of every customer to submit complaints, opinions and aspirations. We always follow up on every input and resolve any complaints experienced by customers as soon as possible," said Indosat Ooredoo's SVP-Head of Corporate Communications, Turina Farouk in her official statement, Wednesday, August 18.

Turina said that Indosat Ooredoo always complies with applicable legal regulations in terms of regulations and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for each of its services. Including providing the best economic value of the product.

"The company always implements good governance and business ethics in its operations throughout Indonesia. We also always maintain the services provided according to quality standards (SOP) and government regulations," said Turina.

As a consumer, Alvin Lie was annoyed by the SMS messages he kept receiving advertising offers at unreasonable hours. He also had time to convey the complaint to social media @IndosatCare, but the SMS SMS spam was repeated again.

In the end, Alvin filed a lawsuit against Indosat because he was deemed to have made a mistake because he offered massive, repeated advertisements at an inappropriate time. Indosat is also considered to have violated article 15 of the Consumer Protection Law.

In addition, Indosat also violates Article 23 paragraph 2 letters a and b Permenkominfo No. 9 of 2017 concerning Provision of Content Provision Services on Cellular Mobile Networks (Permenkominfo). Indosat's actions violate privacy and are an annoying offer.

Consumer Complaints

In principle, the Indonesian Telecommunication Regulatory Body (BRTI) of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) has opened a complaint room to accommodate consumer complaints regarding the misuse of telecommunications services. The public can report problems such as SMS spam or other indications, such as fraud or prize draws.

Commissioner of BRTI Kominfo, I Ketut Prihadi Kresna Murti explained that SMS advertising offers from operators must go through the permit process desired by the customer. It is also possible for the user to reject the SMS message, if not desired.

"In principle, the offer of goods or services by means of telecommunications can indeed be done provided that, if the recipient of the SMS message does not want the SMS message of the offer. Then the sender of the message (operator) must stop sending the SMS message, explained Ketut in the statement received VOI.

This provision has also been regulated in Law number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection and is ethically regulated in Indonesian pariwara ethics. Where is a guideline for the advertising industry to work fairly.

As previously reported, the aviation observer and Ombudsman member Alvin Lie asked PT Indosat Tbk to stop the spam SMS messages he received. Alvin also demanded compensation of Rp. 100.