PBNU Presidential Criteria Selection Of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin

LAMPUNG - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin explained a number of criteria that must be possessed by Rais Aam, the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU). Starting from faqih, organizational character and capable of being a mover.

"If (the figure of the ideal NU leader) is in the congress. As for Rais Aam, I once made it at the congress in Jombang, at least I have four criteria. That I think everyone knows," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin in Lampung, Wednesday, December 22.

The first character, according to Ma'ruf, is someone who understands Islamic rules and sharia or fakih. Rais Aam who understands Islamic law will be able to solve problems related to the lives of Muslims.

"He has to be a fakih, if it's Rais Aam, if he's not a fakih then how can he solve the problem, there are no standards," he said.

Then, he added, Rais Aam must also have an organizational character because PBNU is an organization.

"The second is munadzim, organizational. NU is an organization, so a supreme leader must understand the organization, how to organize this," he added.

In addition, Vice President Ma'ruf assessed that Rais Aam must also be someone who has the ability to act as a driver in efforts to improve the lives of Muslims.

"Then, he must be able to move, because NU is a movement of ulama in improving the people or in the context of making reconciliation. That's if (criteria) Rais Aam, I used to make it," he explained.

Meanwhile, regarding the determination of the general chairman of the PBNU Tanfidziyah, Ma'ruf Amin who is also a PBNU mustasyar, the stipulation is the full authority of the participants of the 34th NU Congress.

Ma'ruf hoped that the figure of Tanfidziyah PBNU who would be chosen would have the ability to lead the organization well.

"If it is the tanfidh who is able to carry out the organization, the implementer, the tanfidz who can run all the existing programs, that will determine later, the congress participants of the congress," he said.