105 Elderly Church Congregants Receive 'Christmas Gifts,' Chair Of PKK Magelang: May Celebrate Christmas Full Of Wisdom And Love

MAGELANG - A total of 105 elderly members of the Magelang City Church received gifts of basic necessities (sembako) from the PKK Mobilization Team (TP) for the City of Magelang, Central Java to welcome the 2021 Christmas Day.

The chairman of the Magelang City PKK TP, Niken Ichtiaty Nur Aziz, gave the gifts directly to them at the Service Hall of the Magelang Mayor's Office Complex in Magelang today.

"We realize that in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many residents are experiencing difficulties, hopefully this basic food assistance can provide relief for the recipients so they can celebrate Christmas full of wisdom and love," Niken said as quoted by Antara.

Niken said Magelang City is a city that upholds inter-religious tolerance. He asked that this condition be maintained and become an example for the younger generation.

On that occasion, Niken asked all Christians to continue to carry out the COVID-19 prevention health protocols (prokes) when celebrating Christmas, because the COVID-19 pandemic has not really ended.

"Continue to pay attention when celebrating Christmas without reducing the solemnity. If there are families from outside the city, it would be better not to stay at home but at a hotel," he said.

Head of Pokja 1 TP PKK Magelang City, Titik Wahyu Nugrahaeni, explained that in addition to giving charity, his party also visited the Jambon Peltri Nursing Home and provided assistance with 15 packages of basic necessities and medicines.

Titik said the purpose of this activity is to increase awareness for the elderly, especially the elderly who will celebrate Christmas 2021. In addition, to foster friendship and concern for TP PKK to the community.

"We hope that this assistance will be useful for the elderly church congregation, and can be carried out routinely," he said.

Representatives of the elderly congregation of the Magelang City church, Suwarto, admitted that he was very grateful to the TP PKK Magelang City for the gift of compassion given to the congregation. For him, it was an honor in itself.

"It is an honor and happiness for us, Christians and Catholics. This is the first time we have received special attention from the Magelang City Government through the PKK TP. For that we express our gratitude and thanks," he said.