DPR Completed Discuss 118 DIM Bill Create Work Chapter 3

JAKARTA - The DPR RI Legislation Body has finished discussing 118 Problem Inventory Lists (DIM) of the Work Creation Bill Chapter 3 regarding business licensing at the Indonesian Parliament Complex, Senayan, Wednesday, August 19.
Chairman of the DPR RI Baleg Supratman Andi Agtas said the discussion of the 118 DIM Omnibus Law Bill was carried out with the government represented by the Director General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR Danis Sumadilaga and the Coordinating Ministry for Economic and Political Affairs Expert Staff, Elen Setiadi.
"Thus, our discussion is finished today, 118 DIM," said Supratman in a live video broadcast on the DPR RI website, reported by Antara, Wednesday, August 19.
In his explanation, the government stated that space utilization, environmental approval, and building approval are an integral part of the later business licensing.
The government wants to reverse the business processes related to the IMB from what has been around so far because people often experience obstacles in processing the IMB, namely where they want to pursue administration, but lack the technical standards.
Therefore, the government wants to provide convenience to the community by preparing technical standards, then adjusting the business process.
Thus, the complicated licensing process for the IMB can be simplified to prepare community needs.
In addition, in DIM articles 23, 24, and 25 of the Job Creation Bill regarding the provisions for terminating sanctions for violations, Supratman said that the discussion should be carried out again in the next meeting with the Deliberation Team (Timus).
Meanwhile, member of the Baleg DPR RI, Bukhori Yusuf, said that basically the government in the meeting to discuss the business licensing chapter, especially in terms of building and building licensing, wants to put more emphasis on building specifications and qualifications in order to have toughness, security comfort and safety for its residents, namely humans.
He added that there are a number of administrative requirements regarding the licensing that will still comply with the principles of decentralization and regional autonomy.
"Therefore, all the provisions of the administrative requirements will be used as the Draft Government Regulation on Norms, Standards, Procedures and Criteria (NSPK) which will be made by the central government but the execution by the relevant regional governments," said Bukhori via a short message received in Jakarta.
In particular, the politician from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) requested that the draft RPP NSPK be immediately submitted to the DPR regarding the articles regarding administrative requirements that would be removed and the plan would be included in the draft NSPK RPP.
"I ask for guarantees in the form of provisions in articles which guarantee that the provisions (decentralization and regional autonomy) must serve as a direction in drafting the NSPK," said Bukhori.