Vaccination For Children Aged 6-11 Years In Kendari Has Not Yet Been Held, The City Government Is Still Waiting For Stock From The Center

KENDARI - Mayor of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Sulkarnain Kadir, said that vaccination of children aged 6-11 years in his area has not yet been carried out because they are still waiting for the vaccine dose to be sent from the center.

"We are still waiting for the type of vaccine dose because it is different from the vaccine dose that has been used by the community. So we are waiting for the dose that is suitable for our children," said Sulkarnain in Kendari, Wednesday, December 22.

The mayor said that vaccination for ages 6-11 years is currently being prepared by his party while waiting for the supply of vaccines in the local area. "Once the vaccine arrives, we can implement it," he said.

The mayor said that he was informed that currently the vaccination coverage has reached 72 percent of the target target, so that to reach 75 percent by the end of this year, he has raised public awareness to want to follow and make the national program a success.

"Thank God our vaccinations have reached 72 percent, hopefully this will increase. I hope that before the end of 2021 the vaccination coverage in Kendari City can reach 75 percent," he said.

He believes that by following the full dose of vaccination, a person will reduce the risk of being infected with COVID-19. Even if infected the effect will not be as severe as people who have not vaccinated.

In addition to the success of vaccination, Sulkarnain also reminded important things that must be paid attention to, namely to continue to be disciplined in implementing health protocols, especially wearing masks, maintaining distance and diligently washing hands, because the pandemic has not really ended, especially since a new variant of the Omicron type has now been detected in Indonesia. Indonesia.

"With the discipline of health protocols and willing to participate in vaccinations so that even if they are exposed the effects are not worrying. So that we have more confidence (trust) to ensure that the people of Kendari City are protected from the transmission of COVID-19 and its variants," said Sulkarnain Kadir.

Sulakanain also invited all people in this city to have high awareness together to maintain a conducive situation from the spread of COVID-19 in order to welcome 2022.