Complete Dossier, Alex Noerding Becomes A Prisoner Of The Palembang Prosecutor

PALEMBANG - Alex Noerdin has been detained by the Palembang District Attorney's Office, South Sumatra, after his case file related to the alleged corruption in the purchase of natural gas by the Regional Mining and Energy Regional-Owned Enterprise (PDPDE) was declared complete by the Indonesian Attorney General's Office.

Alex Noerdin, who was named a suspect, was detained along with three other suspects in the case, namely Mudai Maddang, Caca Isa Saleh and Yaniarsyah Hasan.

"After the files from the Attorney General's Office were declared complete, today, the four suspects were handed over along with the evidence to the Kejari," said Head of the Legal Information Section of the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office, Mohd Radyan in Palembang, Wednesday, December 22.

According to Radyan, the handover was carried out within the framework of the second stage of the investigation, namely, the Kejari investigators prepared the suspect's indictment and then transferred it to the court to try the suspect in the case.

As long as the indictment is prepared by investigators, the suspect Alex Noerdin and the suspects Mudai Maddang, Caca Isa Saleh and Yaniarsyah Hasan will serve a period of detention at the Class 1A Pakjo Detention Center in Palembang.

"In the meantime, they are being detained for the next 20 days at the Pakjo Prison in Palembang. If they feel inadequate, they can be extended for another 30 days," he said.

Based on the information gathered, the four suspects departed from Jakarta using Lion Air air transportation accompanied by investigators from the Indonesian Attorney General's Office. They arrived in Palembang City at 11.12 WIB.

Then the suspect was taken in a prisoner's car wearing a prison vest with handcuffed hands to the Palembang District Attorney's Office on Jalan Gub H Bastari, Jakabaring District. They arrived at the location around 11.44 WIB.

Upon arrival, the investigators took the suspects to the Palembang Kejari Integrated Services Building to carry out the process of completing the delegation of files for approximately three hours.

During the process, it was seen that the Palembang Besar Resort Police (Polrestabes) officers carried out tight security outside the integrated service building.

After the dossier was completed, at 14:22 WIB, the suspects were taken using a prisoner's car directly to the Pakjo Detention Center.

Suspects Alex Noerdin and Muddai Madang were named as suspects by the Indonesian Attorney General's Office investigators on Thursday, September 9 evening. Previously, Caca Isa Saleh and Yaniarsyah Hasan were named suspects on Wednesday, September 8.

Alex Noerdin became a suspect in this case while serving as Governor of South Sumatra (South Sumatra), Muddai Madang as Director of PT Dika Karya Lintas Nusa (DKLN) and also President Director of South Sumatra PDPDE.

Then Caca Isa Saleh at that time served as President Director of PDPDE Sumsel and Yaniarsyah who also served as Director of DKLN concurrently Director of PT PDPDE Gas.

Head of the Legal Information Division at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak, in his official statement at the Indonesian Attorney General's Roundabout, Jakarta, Thursday, September 16 evening, said that the initial issue of the case began in 2010, the South Sumatra Provincial Government received an allocation to buy the state's share of natural gas from from JOB PT Pertamina Talisman Ltd, Pacific Oil And Gas Ltd, Jambi Merang (JOB Jambi Merang) of 15 MMSCFD based on the Decree of the Head of the Oil and Gas Management Agency (BP MIGAS) at the request of the Governor of South Sumatra.

Then based on the decision of the Head of BP Migas who was appointed as the buyer of the state's share of natural gas was the BUMD of the South Sumatra Province (PDPDE Sumsel).

However, on the pretext of not having technical experience and funds, the South Sumatra PDPDE in collaboration with a private investor, PT Dika Karya Lintas Nusa (PT DKLN) formed a joint venture company (PT PDPDE Gas) whose share ownership composition was 15 percent for South Sumatra PDPDE and 85 percent for PT DKLN.

So that on this pretext it resulted in a loss of state finances which was calculated by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) of the Republic of Indonesia in the amount of USD 30,194,452.79 which came from the revenue from gas sales minus operational costs during the period 2010 to 2019, which should have been received by the South Sumatra PDPDE. Other losses were found by BPK in the amount of USD63,750.00 and Rp2,131,250,000.00 which was paid in capital. This money should not have been paid by the South Sumatra PDPDE.

"The suspect Alex agreed to the cooperation between the South Sumatra PDPDE and PT Dika Karya Lintas Nusa (DKLN) to form the Gas PDPDE with the intention of using his PDPDE to obtain the state's share of gas allocation," he said.

Meanwhile, Muddai Madang is suspected for his role in receiving illegal payments in the form of marketing "fees" from PT PDPDE Gas.

Then they were detained separately, Alex Noerdin was detained at the Class I Rutan Cipinang Branch of the KPK Detention Center and the suspect Mudai Maddang was detained at the Salemba Rutan at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office.

The suspect Caca Isa Saleh is being held at the Salemba Detention Center at the Attorney General's Office, while Yaniarsyah Hasan is at the Salemba Detention Center at the South Jakarta District Attorney's Office.

As a result of these actions they were suspected of violating Article 2 paragraph (1) Jo. Article 18 of the Law on the Eradication of Corruption Crimes Jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st KUHP subsidiary to Article 3 and Article 18 of the PTPK Law Jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.