Governor Of DIY: Stay Full Of Awareness And Joy In Obeying Prokes In Celebrating Christmas

YOGYAKARTA - Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X hopes that Christians in Yogyakarta will continue to apply health protocols and pay attention to the capacity of the church to carry out Christmas services.

"Still with full awareness and joy in complying with health protocols in celebrating Christmas. The capacity of the Church is really considered," said Sultan HB X when delivering "Sapa Aruh" ahead of Christmas 2021 and New Year's 2022 at the Kepatihan Ward, Yogyakarta, Wednesday, December 22.

If the capacity of the church is no longer possible to accommodate people, the Sultan hopes that worship can still be held online.

"I hope to be able to 'lila-legawa' worship online without reducing the meaning of Christmas," he said.

The momentum of Christmas 2021 and New Year's 2022 is expected to be passed by the Sultan in an atmosphere of prudence.

Although the Central Government does not uniform the tightening in all parts of Indonesia, according to him, the implementation of PPKM during the Christmas and New Year period will still follow the applicable assessment, with sectoral tightening, and prioritize the community as the main subject.

"After all, the COVID-19 virus is still very likely to mutate, accompanied by various symptoms that are sometimes not realized. Moreover, the Omicron variant has been found infecting this country, we must not be careless and ignore health protocols," he said.

On that occasion, he also asked all citizens to maintain social cohesion with the principle of inter-religious harmony.

"I also invite, so that the momentum we have achieved today, where the epidemic has been so controlled, we can maintain it well," he said.