Remember Yes! Sri Mulyani Said That Now The Local Government Has A Special Fund To Protect Women And Children

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the government has now provided a special allocation of funds aimed at the protection of women and children. According to the Minister of Finance, these resources are a form of the government's alignment with women and children which are channeled through transfers to the regions.

"This year, progress has been made in the APBN transferred to regions, namely the addition of a new innovation, the Non-Physical Special Allocation Fund (DAK), whose function is to provide protection for women and children," he said in a virtual discussion, Wednesday, December 22.

It was stated that the presence of the state to this group of people who were considered vulnerable was a form of follow-up to the initiation delivered by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection.

"This is because the Ministry of Women and Child Protection said that in the regions there needs to be cooperation with local agencies," she said.

For this reason, the Minister of Finance considers that the stipulation which began to appear in early 2021 is quite relevant in overcoming and anticipating crimes against women and children, which are currently quite concerning.

"We can see that recently it has happened that girls have become victims. This is truly heartbreaking for all of us,” said the Minister of Finance.

Furthermore, the state treasurer wants the budget allocation that has been disbursed to the regional government (pemda) can really become a strong instrument in ensuring the protection of women and children.

"I hope this will provide reinforcement for local governments to the district and city levels, even to the sub-districts and sub-districts so that these very bad incidents can be prevented from the start. And if something happens, we can fully help the victims," he explained.

To note, the Non-Physical DAK mechanism for the protection of women and children is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 119/PMK.07/2021. Apart from focusing on protection, this financial instrument is also concerned with the importance of gender equality.