Mother's Day, Here Are 8 Things Mothers Taught Selflessly

JAKARTA – Mother's Day, in Indonesia, is celebrated on December 22 every year. Warning without delving into the monumental things implied in it certainly won't feel meaningful, right? Remembering Mother's Day, this is a monumental thing that mothers teach selflessly.

1. Hard work

Since the first month of pregnancy, mothers work hard to adapt to small changes in their bodies. This is a process that is not easy, but I still live it without asking for anything in return.

2. Sacrifice

Mother sacrifices anything for her baby, from feeling uncomfortable when her womb begins to grow, giving birth which requires great sacrifices and even risking her life, to accompanying her children to achieve their goals.

3. Forgive

Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., author and psychotherapist, reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, December 22, said that mothers have a forgiving nature. From mothers, one can learn how to forgive mistakes without asking for anything in return.

4. Be a good listener

A mother in the family is the emotional backbone. Everyone told him all their problems, and he listened carefully and lovingly. In fact, he helps solve problems even though he gets nothing but sincerity.

5. Attention

When someone wants to climb the highest mountain related to their ideals or dreams, mother makes breakfast and advice to keep themselves from falling because of small pebbles. Mother gives attention as someone who supports achieving dreams when others ignore.

6. Build boundaries

If mom gives a lot of advice, this is her way of establishing boundaries. Reminding about what triggers the problem, or what makes a person feel more comfortable and live safe.

7. Remembering the little things

From wrinkled-looking ties to slightly torn socks, mothers notice the little things that often go unnoticed. In fact, a mother's instinct is stronger to keep her baby in a safe condition to face the future.

8. Independence

Mother taught how to take care of housework, from making coffee, separating dirty and ready-to-wear clothes, tidying the desk, to doing homework and getting good grades while still in school. It's about a more mature way of thinking so that a person can independently complete homework.

That's a monumental thing that was unconsciously taught by the mother. So there is nothing wrong with showing your mother cares that they are meaningful in life, such as by smiling, giving warm hugs, and praying.