The Indonesian Football Association Chairman Shares Good News, Egy Maulana Immediately Joins The National Team After Negative COVID-19 Test Results

JAKARTA - The good news was shared by the General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI), Mochamad Iriawan ahead of the match between the Indonesian national team and Singapore. Iriawan reported that Egy Maulana Vikri's COVID-19 test results were negative.

That way, Iriawan said, Egy could immediately join the Indonesian national team and participate in all activities.

"Thank God, the results of Egy Maulana Vikri's PCR SWAB are NEGATIVE, so starting this morning I can join other players and participate in all national team activities," said Iriawan in a short message distributed to the media crew, Wednesday, December 22.

The news that Egy's test results were declared negative allowed the FK Senica player to immediately mingle and participate in the preparations for the national team which will face Singapore in the first leg of the 2020 AFF Cup semifinals.

The match will be held at the National Stadium, Singapore, tonight at 19.30 p.m. Indonesian Western Time (WIB). Egy's presence became a breath of fresh air to increase the team's strength.

However, coach Shin Tae-yong ensured that Egy would not be used in the semifinal first leg match against Singapore.

This decision was taken by Shin Tae-yong considering that Egy had only joined less than 12 hours before the match. The physical condition of the player who made the long trip from Slovakia to Singapore was a serious consideration for the coach.

Even though he didn't field Egy in the first leg, Shin Tae-yong opened up as many opportunities as possible for Egy to appear in the second leg match on Saturday, December 25.

Egy's presence is expected to have a big impact on Indonesia's game in order to qualify for the 2020 AFF Cup final.