Accused Of Stealing Company Money, This Bekasi Resident Was Named A Suspect When Tahlilan Passed Away

JAKARTA - The unfortunate fate of a resident of Bekasi, Setyo Priono. Still in mourning because his father died, he is now named a suspect in the theft of a check worth Rp. 178 million.

Setyo's father died in early December 2021. Still saddened by the loss of his father, Setyo received a letter from the police stating that he was a suspect in the theft of checks, even though at that time he was still in mourning and was doing tahlilan on December 18, 2021.

According to the police version, Setyo had cashed a check in the name of his former company, PT Singa Langit Jaya or known as Multi Level Marketing Tiens at Bank BCA Roxy Branch, Central Jakarta on October 12, 2018.

Setyo said that from the start, there were several irregularities that were accused of him. Moreover, he only serves as a calculation or data input officer, usually called an admin.

"I worked three months probationary, because the salary request was not fulfilled, so I chose to leave. Suddenly I was accused by the company of cashing checks," said Setyo, Tuesday, December 21.

Moreover, from the beginning he was only tasked with recording bonuses or fees for the company's partners, without ever holding money directly.

"I have never even come to the Roxy branch of the BCA bank, it can be confirmed through the CCTV in the bank," he wrote.

Another oddity, continued Prie, was that the check disbursement date was the same day, he and his late father went for treatment to a hospital in Bekasi.

"The day the check was withdrawn, I went to the doctor exactly because I had a skin problem. So I didn't know anything about the disbursement of the check," he said.

Setyo also showed the file for the Anna Medika hospital examination, along with the information from the Director of the Anna Medika Hospital, Dr Syaiffulah, MARS.

"That is true, on October 12, 2018 at around 11.15 WIB, someone had registered at the Anna Medika hospital registration section for outpatient treatment at the skin and genital polyclinic for and on behalf of the patient Mr. Setyo Priono," the letter wrote.

Currently, Setyo himself has to undergo a prison process of approximately three months after being named a suspect. He is still undergoing trial at the Central Jakarta District Court.