Admitting Coming To The Lampung Congress By Private Jet, KH Yahya Staquf: It Was My Fault

JAKARTA - Circulating virally on social media, Katib Aam, the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) KH Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya) came to Lampung to attend the 34th NU Congress by riding a private jet. KH Yahya admitted that he flew on the private jet.

"Then about the jet, right? It was my fault, right," said the man who is familiarly called Gus Yahya, Tuesday, December 21.

Gus Yahya admitted that he was forced to take a private jet because he was late in ordering tickets. Because he was busy taking care of various problems.

It's not just flights to Lampung that have soared. Even lodging in Lampung to Central Lampung is difficult to find because it is filled with various congress participants.

Finally, after having difficulty booking plane tickets, according to him, someone was willing to lend the private jet.

"There are complaints here and there who want to borrow. Yes, when we usually grab, we can't, it's like this once in a while. Well, it's just that simple, actually," he said.

This photo is widely circulated on social media. An account uploaded a photo of Gus Yahya who was getting off the plane under an umbrella.