Cluwak Police Member Threatened To Be Fired Due To Infidelity

SEMARANG - A member of the Cluwak Police, Pati Regency, Bripka RY, is threatened with dishonorable discharge due to an alleged immoral act in an extramarital affair.

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Iqbal Alqudusy, said that the police officer had undergone a police ethics trial at the Pati Police.

"The verdict violates the Police Code of Ethics and is subject to disciplinary sanctions. It is recommended that he be dishonorably dismissed," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 21.

According to him, the Bripka RY has the opportunity to appeal the decision within 14 days.

"He submitted an appeal to his legal superior, the Central Java Police Chief," he said.

Bripka RY was reported by a resident of Pati on suspicion of infidelity.

The report was followed up by the Pati Police with an investigation, examination, and finally a disciplinary hearing was carried out.

Iqbal stated that the mechanism for awarding and punishing members applies to the National Police.

"Those who violate will be punished. Those who excel will receive awards," he said.