Doddy Sudrajat Strictly Wants To Move Vanessa Angel's Meal, Faisal: He's The One Who Bears It

JAKARTA - Doddy Sudrajat has on several occasions confirmed his intention to move Vanessa Angel's grave to his mother's grave. The reason was, he remembered that Vanessa had asked to be buried beside her mother when she died.

In addition, Doddy admitted that Vanessa came to his dream and mentioned the desire to move the grave. Another reason is that the location of Vanessa's grave is currently close to the highway, so Doddy is afraid that one day his grave will be demolished.

Hearing the final decision, Aunt Ardiansyah's father admitted that he could not do much. H Faisal hopes that the desire will not be carried out, but also cannot refuse if it has become a family decision.

"If you want to be moved, it's very unfortunate. It's calm, we just have to pray for them and raise their children," he said in West Jakarta, Tuesday, December 21.

"I can't do anything, it's his child. If for example he wants to bear the sin, he will bear it. If his child is in trouble, he will feel it," he continued.

Until now, Doddy has not announced when to move Vanessa's grave. Rumors circulated that the transfer would take place a year after the funeral.

"For example, if you wait a year, it's better, the body is dry. Now it's still wet. I really try not to disturb my food, but again, this is a woman's family," he explained.

Faisal did not deny that his communication with Vanessa Angel's papa was cut off. "We are in a truce. Hopefully after this can be resolved," he explained.