Bali Rise Forum Cancels Demo, Demands 5 Things From Central Government So Foreign Tourists Enter The Island Of The Gods

DENPASAR - The Bali Tourism Office and the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) in Bali held a meeting with dozens of tourism industry players on the Island of the Gods, including the Bali Bangkit Forum (FBP) which is planning to hold a demonstration.

Deputy Chairman of the Environmental Culture and Public Relations Division of the Bali Regional Management Agency (PHRI) I Gusti Ngurah Rai Suryawijaya said the meeting was attended by 40 tourism associations who were present including FBP.

"So the results of the meeting again are extraordinary. The tourism industry and all its stakeholders will continue to support the government. However, they propose five policy points," said Suryawijaya, Tuesday, December 21.

In the meeting it was agreed that FBP would cancel the demonstration. They put forward 5 recommendations to the central government.

"The demonstration is not a solution, the demonstration will tarnish the image of tourism, hospitality people don't have to demonstrate. But now we are looking for a solution. Because all these decisions are at the center, not in the regions because their authority is related to the Minister of Transportation, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Health and also the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs," said Suryawijaya.

Meanwhile, the Acting (PLT) Head of the Bali Tourism Office, Tjok Bagus Pemayun, said his party accommodated the aspirations of tourism actors.

"Formulating what it's like, because we work in hospitality, this is the way we do it. First, it's clear that we will struggle with these friends, the agreement will rewrite things that are obstacles for foreign tourists. The two events reproduced in Bali, including the G20 series," he said.

Meanwhile, the FBP Coordinator and Chair of the Indonesian Hotel General Manager Association (IHGMA) Bali Yoga Iswara said the demonstration plan was canceled because there was an agreement.

There are 5 points of recommendation to the central government. First, the convenience of a paid e-visa specifically for individual tourist destinations without having to go through a corporate guarantor with requirements that are in accordance with the provisions or reopening VOA applications and free visas, especially for low-risk countries.

Second, foreign tourists do not need to undergo quarantine or suggest that quarantine in Bali uses a regional pattern or the island of Bali as a quarantine island and tourists can choose to stay in all hotels that have been certified CHSE.

Third, suggesting changes to flight regulations to Bali so that you don't have to only use direct flights.

Fourth, expand countries whose citizens are allowed to enter Bali, especially for countries that are ready to come to Bali. The priority is Australia and European countries.

Fifth, propose that insurance coverage can be reduced by 50,000 US Dollars so that it does not make it difficult for foreign tourists to come to Bali.