Bareskrim Tracing Letter Requesting Delete Red Notice Djoko Tjandra To Immigration

JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri investigators have questioned officials of the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights regarding the removal of red notice Djoko Tjandra. Investigators will examine the letter sent by the International Relations Division (Divhubinter) regarding the application for the removal of red notice sent to immigration.

"Yesterday, it started with Divhubinter and then the letter traveled to immigration, of course we will investigate it from there," said Head of Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas), Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, to reporters, Wednesday, August 19.

However, Awi could not confirm which party the immigration authorities would send to provide information.

"It depends on who is sent, who has the competence to know about the revocation of Djoko Tjandra's red notice. We are also waiting, investigators are also waiting for who will be present," he concluded.

In this case, the police have named four people as suspects. They are Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte and Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo. They are suspected of being the recipients of bribes for red notice removal.

Both of them are pursued by Article 5 Paragraph 2, Article 11 and Article 12 letters a and b of Law Number 20 of 2020 concerning Corruption Crime (Tipikor) in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile two other people are bribes. They are Djoko Tjandra and Tomi Sumardi. Both of them were charged under Article 5 Paragraph 1, Article 13 of Law 20/2020 concerning Corruption Crime (Tipikor) in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code.

In the bribery case, investigators confiscated US $ 20 thousand as evidence.