Minimizing Political Money, DKI Jakarta PWNU Proposes Election Of PBNU Chairman Using The AHWA System

JAKARTA - Elections for the general chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) will soon be held at the 34th Congress in Lampung on December 22-23. The chairman of the Tanfidziyah Regional Board for the Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) DKI Jakarta Province, Samsul Ma'arif, proposed that the election mechanism for the general chairman of PBNU be the same as the election of Rais Aam. Namely, by using the Ahlul Halli Wal Aqdi (AHWA) System. The AHWA system is a mechanism applied to elect Rais Aam PBNU by 9 senior scholars by means of deliberation and consensus. The AHWA consists of 9 senior NU clerics who were selected with the criteria of having the aqidah Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah al Nahdliyah, wara', zuhud, being fair, knowledgeable (alim), moral integrity, tawadlu', influential, and able to lead.

According to him, this proposal can minimize money politics and the involvement of outside parties who are not related to NU for reasons of political interest. "Direct elections have more disadvantages, especially the Ukhuwah An Nahdliyah, which will be tenuous and have the potential to bring down each other between each supporter," said Samsul to reporters, Tuesday, December 21.

If the election of the PBNU chairman uses the AHWA system, continued Samsul, later there will be no supporters who have the potential to bring down each other.

"Practical, Economical, Geulis-wis. So the Ketum chose AHWA. If it can't be done this year, next year it will become a recommendation. So it becomes a recommendation to be carried out at the 35th NU Congress," explained Samsul. This is so as not to block each other in the proposed rules for the smooth running of this very short conference.

"God willing, NU will find a leader who is in accordance with all of our wishes and certainly the choice of Allah SWT," said Samsul. The 35th session was carried out with the AHWA system for the election of the General Chair.

"From now on it has been prepared, so that it is conceptualized," he said.

He said, PWNU DKI Jakarta proposed that the 35th Congress in 2026 be held in DKI Jakarta. According to Samsul, PWNU DKI is ready to host the upcoming 35th NU Congress.

"This is NU the Capital City. In terms of financing, God willing, PWNU DKI is ready, the money is everywhere," he said jokingly.