Highest Cure Rate For COVID-19 In Denpasar In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Team of Experts for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Dewi Nur Aisyah, said that Denpasar City is the area with the highest recovery rate due to COVID-19 from the regions with the most accumulated cases in Indonesia.

Dewi revealed this based on the results of the weekly analysis by the COVID-19 Task Force Expert Team. This data on the development of COVID-19 was analyzed until August 16.

"Denpasar, although it is one of the top 20 cities with the most accumulated cases of COVID-19, currently the cure rate is the highest, reaching 92.13 percent," said Dewi in a discussion at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Wednesday, August 19.

Then, at this time the death rate in Denpasar is also small, namely at number 63. Even though, Denpasar is included in the sixteenth area with the accumulated positive cases in Indonesia.

"Denpasar has a small death rate. Even though the number of cases is high, he is in the 63rd place, namely 1.03 percent," said Dewi.

If the cure rate is large and the mortality rate is small, Denpasar automatically has a few active cases. Of the 10 big cities with the highest case accumulation, Denpasar is in the last position with the number of active cases.

Currently, only 6.84 percent of people who have been confirmed positive and are still in care or doing self-isolation in Denpasar City.

"This is an example of a city with a dense population, high activity, and it is one of the top 20 high numbers of cases in Indonesia, but it can hamper the rate of new cases," he said.

The big cities with the most accumulated cases, but had the other highest recovery rates, were in the city of Surabaya with a cure rate of 74.68 percent, Makassar City with 70.04 percent, Central Jakarta 66.26 percent.