Good News From Sri Mulyani, State Revenue Is Believed To Exceed The Target Of IDR 1,743 Trillion

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the outlook for state revenues would exceed the target specified in the 2021 APBN Law.

It was stated that until November 30, 2021, state revenue was Rp. 1,699.4 trillion. This figure is recorded at 97.5 percent of the ceiling of Rp.1,743.6 trillion.

"The improvement in the performance of state revenues is very strong," he said in a virtual press conference on our State Budget, Tuesday, December 21.

In detail, the Minister of Finance explained that the tax revenue sector grew 18.6 percent year-on-year (yoy) to Rp1,314.8 trillion.

This amount consists of tax revenues of IDR 1,082.6 trillion (growing 17 percent yoy) and customs and excise of IDR 232.3 trillion (growing 26.6 percent yoy).

Meanwhile, the Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) sector also posted positive results with IDR 382.5 trillion or an increase of 25.4 percent compared to the end of November 2020.

Meanwhile, in terms of state spending, it is known to be rather sloping with the realization of Rp2,310.4 trillion or 84 percent of the Rp2,750 trillion allocation in the 2021 APBN Law.

"We will see that in the remaining time, spending will be optimized," he said.