Two Weeks Before The End Of The Year Of Realization Of IDR 533 Trillion Of PEN, The Largest Social Protection Cluster

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto reported that the realization of the National Economic Recovery Program (PEN) until December 17, 2021 reached Rp. 533.60 trillion or 71.6 percent of the Rp.744.77 trillion ceiling.

"This realization increased by Rp123.62 trillion from the realization in the third quarter of 2021 which amounted to Rp409.98 trillion," he said during an online press conference quoted on Tuesday, December 21.

According to Airlangga, the largest absorption value is in the social protection cluster (Perlinsos) with IDR 161.17 trillion.

This was followed by the health cluster of IDR 147.44 trillion, priority programs of IDR 87.47 trillion, MSME and corporate support of IDR 74.36 trillion, and the business incentive cluster of IDR 63.16 trillion.

"However, the largest absorption percentage is the business incentive cluster with 100.5 percent," he said.

In detail, Airlangga explained that the realization of the health cluster was Rp. 147.44 trillion, the main thing was for diagnostics (testing and tracing), realization of 69.4 percent or Rp. 3.13 trillion, therapeutic (incentives and benefits for health workers) of Rp. 16.43 trillion or 86 ,8 percent and vaccination (procurement and implementation) of 51.6 percent or Rp29.95 trillion.

Meanwhile, the realization of the social welfare cluster of Rp. 161.17 trillion, among others, was used for the Family Hope Program (PKH) of 98.1 percent or Rp. 27.76 trillion from the ceiling of Rp. 28.31 trillion, basic food cards of 93.3 percent or Rp. .54 trillion from a ceiling of IDR 49.89 trillion, Village BLT of 69.8 percent or IDR 20.09 trillion of a ceiling of IDR 28.80 trillion, and Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) of 89.1 percent or IDR 7.84 trillion from a ceiling of IDR 8. 80 trillion.

It is estimated that the projected Achievement of National Education Program realization until the end of 2021 is IDR 673.2 trillion or 90.3 percent of the ceiling, with the highest achievement in the business incentive cluster (113.9 percent).

"Currently, the projected achievement of the 2021 PEN program realization is around 90 percent, meaning that there is a remaining 10 percent of the PEN Program budget which may be used next year as a buffer for the PEN Program, especially the Social Security cluster," concluded Coordinating Minister Airlangga.