Bobby Nasution Asks Architects To Change The Image Of Medan City

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution asked the national board of the Indonesian Landscape Architect Association (IALI) to help change the image of Medan City, North Sumatra even better.

"The rebranding of The City of Medan (changing the image of Medan City) was carried out after looking at the condition of the sidewalks, medians and road islands so that they could be arranged even better," said Bobby Nasution in Medan, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 20.

Therefore, he continued, it is hoped that IALI will take the lead in carrying out a restructuring that will soon be carried out in order to improve aspects of the beauty of the city in the capital city of North Sumatra Province.

Seban, the mayor admitted, at several points trees were found in the median of the road or road pavement, thus damaging the road infrastructure. A tree looks good, but its roots lift up the asphalt.

This condition causes the right lane of the road that should be faster to become slower, so it must be studied in more detail the types of trees so as not to damage the infrastructure built by the Medan City Government.

The Mayor of Medan wants the Rebranding of The City of Medan to be carried out later to see the overall aspect of the City of Medan, such as IALI applied in the arrangement in the City of Bandung.

"In addition to making arrangements in the city so that it is better organized and green again in the future, I also hope that IALI can arrange the entrance to the city of Medan," said Bobby.

Bobby Nasution also explained that the infrastructure of the entrance to Medan City belongs to the national road, but the Medan City Government has asked for coordination so that it can be reorganized.

"Currently there are three entrances to the city of Medan which we hope to arrange. We also hope that the intersections in the city core are arranged, like in Bandung," said Mayor Bobby.

The General Chair of the IALI National Committee, Heri Sofian, explained that the rebranding of Th City of Medan was carried out by studying the arrangement from Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya.

"To support this arrangement, we first look at the points that are arranged so that the arrangement model is adjusted, such as the character and condition of the city of Medan," he said.