5 Thousand Banser Prepared To Secure NU Congress In Lampung

BANDARLAMPUNG - Head of the National Coordination Unit for the Multipurpose Ansor Front (Kasatkornas Banser) Hasan Basri Sagala said around 5,000 members were prepared to secure the agenda of the 34th Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Congress in Lampung.

"The total number of members prepared, in accordance with the orders of the General Chair of Ansor, is 5,000 troops," said Hasan Basri Sagal, in Bandarlampung, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 20.

Hasan Basri said the Banser members would be assigned to a number of locations for the congress, such as at the Unila Campus, Radin Intan Lampung UIN, and Darussa'adah Islamic Boarding School.

"The Banser members that have been prepared are only from Lampung Province, there are no members from outside the region. Even if there are members from other provinces who bring their troops, they are only to be seconded from the existing troops," he said.

Hasan Basari emphasized that the main task of Banser members is to oversee and secure all congress schedules, whether in the process, technically or in terms of adjusting the agenda.

"We have discussed everything technically and in detail what the agenda is where there are obstacles and mistakes, we have anticipated that, so that everything can run smoothly," he said.

Hasan said that the main Banser placement would be at the Darussa'adah Islamic Boarding School because at that location there would be an opening and election of the General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board.

"But we also don't specifically place members there. In essence, we place Banser at all locations for the congress," he said.