The Head Of The High School Student Council In Asahan Fights In The Rubber Garden, At First It's Trivial To Not Accept Each Other When You Look At Each Other

MEDAN - Video of a fight between 2 high school students (SMA) was shared on social media. The two fought and were watched by their friends.

The two students were fighting in the middle of a rubber plantation. They both threw punches and kicks at each other.

Based on the information obtained, the two students are students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Asahan. The fight took place on Yarn Factory Street, Sidomukti Village, West Kisaran City District, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra.

The principal of MAN Asahan Ramli said the two students involved in the fight were A and F.

"It's true. It happened outside the school, they are still wearing school attributes. Currently, the two students have been expelled from school and returned to their respective parents," Ramli told reporters, Monday, December 20.

The fight, he said, was caused by a trivial matter. The two glanced at each other and then engaged in cursing at each other.

However, the most unfortunate thing for the school is that A is the student council president.

"We pity the student council president who should be an example and can protect his colleagues, instead he is the one who tarnishes the school," explained Ramli.

Apart from A and F, eight of his friends were also punished.

"Those who only saw it and did not participate in the heat, we gave a statement letter and if we were involved again, we will issue it," he explained.

Parents were called in before the school took decisive action. The parents of students who were present listened to the explanations of their children.

"So that parents know their children's mistakes and know the reason we return them to their parents," he said.

This was done, continued Ramli, because they did not want a negative stigma against the school. Because, they instill in students to be good.

"If we don't remove it, the child will also feel sorry for him. He will stay in class because the attitude assessment has not passed," said Ramli.

Separately, the Head of the Kisaran Kota Police, Iptu Joy Ananda Sianipar, said during confirmation that he would check whether there had been a report to the police.

"I'll check first," said Iptu Joy, confirmed by VOI, Monday, December 20.