7 Minors Arrested With Sajam In Tangerang, Still Being Legally Processed

JAKARTA - The arrest of 37 teenage boys, including minors, for carrying sharp weapons (sajams), is a form of the Banten Police's commitment to take action against all forms of threats.

The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Shinto Silitonga, said that minors caught carrying sharp weapons were still treated differently from those who were old enough to face the law.

Shinto said that the motive for the perpetrators was to carry out acts of violence between groups on the streets.

"These street gangs gathered the masses, prepared themselves with sharp weapons and provoked them through social media to then carry out violent acts on the streets such as brawls or even violence with random targets. Luckily the Banten Police succeeded in carrying out a preventive strike by securing the perpetrators and evidence of weapons. sharp so that no party becomes a victim," explained Shinto through a message received, Monday, December 20.

Of the 37 people arrested, said Shinto, 9 were made suspects.

"We have arrested 9 suspects, 2 are adults, but 7 other suspects are minors, so their treatment is different before the criminal procedure law according to Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System," Shinto explained.

Shinto also said that the Banten Police Chief had emphasized that Banten Police personnel and staff would not hesitate to take firm action against street thugs with the main priority being to protect the lives and lives of the public as well as personnel while on duty.

"Banten Police are very serious about eradicating street delinquents, including the use of strict police action to save the lives and lives of the community and personnel from the actions of these street delinquents," he concluded.