XL Axiata Ready To Execute BM Cellphone 'Dead Injection' Regulation

JAKARTA - XL Axiata stated that it is ready to implement the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) validation rules. The plan is that the execution of the 'lethal injection' of the black market (BM) cellphone policy will be carried out on August 24.

This was conveyed by Plt Chief Technology Officer of XL Axiata, I Gede Damayusa in a virtual press conference. According to Gede, XL and other cellular operators have compiled a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the implementation of IMEI validation that will be implemented.

"For IMEI, every cellular operator is ready for Equipment Identity Registration (EIR). Then the government uses the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR)," said Gede in a webinar, Tuesday, August 18.

Gede explained, the SOP that will be implemented will regulate the conditions for blocking BM cell phones circulating in the market. "So the implementation is much more regular, it is much clearer, which one is or is not, so there is no doubt for the end user."

IMEI rules should have been implemented on April 18. Unfortunately, the operation of the CEIR tool developed by the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) as a reference for blocking BM cell phones has not been functioning for a maximum of four months.

Apart from XL Axiata, testing of IMEI blocking services has been carried out by Telkomsel. Where the EIR system is designed to detect the IMEI number of the cellphone used by the customer. This data will be sent to CEIR for verification with devices registered with the Ministry of Industry.

If a cellphone whose IMEI number is not registered, CERI will ask the operator to block telecommunications services from the device. In the future BM cellphones will no longer be able to connect to cellular networks of operators in Indonesia.

Previously, the Director General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology (Dirjen SDPPI) Kominfo, Ismail said that his party had completed all the needs to implement IMEI validation. The hot ball from the execution of this rule is then at the Ministry of Industry.

"If everything from Kominfo has been completed, even the operators have finished. In fact, it is in the Ministry of Industry's friends," said Ismail some time ago.