Third Week Of December, BMKG Records 20 Earthquakes In North Sumatra And Aceh

MEDAN - Regional Earthquake Center (PGR) I, Center for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Region 1 Medan recorded 20 earthquakes in the third week of December 2021 in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) and Aceh.

Researcher at PGR 1 Center for MKG Region I Medan, Marzuki Sinambela said, the seismic activity in the third week of December 2021 in Aceh and North Sumatra mostly occurred around Megathrust and partly in large segments of Sumatra.

From 10 to 16 December 2021, data on earthquakes that occurred in the PGR 1 area were recorded and analyzed, namely 20 events with earthquake strength, 17 events of small magnitude of 4.0 and magnitude between 4.0 and 5.0 of 3 events.

"The depth of earthquake activity is generally categorized as shallow earthquake (under 60 km) with 19 occurrences and medium (depth between 60 km to 300 km) as much as 1 event," Marzuki explained in Medan, Antara, Monday, December 20.

While the PGR 1 analysis, Resha Ida explained that this week's earthquake was dominant at sea, 11 incidents and 9 incidents were recorded on land, this is certainly different from last week's seismic activity which was dominant on land.

"Of the 20 earthquakes that occurred during the third week of December 2021, no earthquakes were felt," he said.

BMKG still urges the public to remain vigilant and not to panic in the event of an earthquake. Continue to respond quickly to BMKG information, keep your distance if significant earthquake conditions occur in the pandemic era.

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