BBKSDA Papua Lepas Wilds Yellow Paradise And Excellent Toowa In Ravenirara Jayapura

JAKARTA - The Papua Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) released four birds of two species in Nyei Toro Forest, Pasir VI, Ravenirara District, Jayapura Regency.

The head of the Papua BBKSDA, Edward Sembiring, said that the first species, namely the small yellow cenderawasih (Paradisaea minor), consisted of one female and two males.

"The second type is a brilliant toowa (Ptiloris magnificus) with one male," he said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, December 19.

According to Edward, these two types of animals are protected by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia, in which the four animals came from community submissions through the Jayapura Animal Lovers Community and the Mangrove House.

"The community then handed it over to the Papua BBKSDA on October 12, 2021, and the four animals have undergone a habituation period of about two months in the Buper Waena Transit Cage," he said.

He expressed his gratitude to all parties who have assisted in controlling and supervising the circulation of endemic Papuan wild plants and animals.

"Synergies like this need to be continued and improved. In the future, we hope that there will be no more illegal acts against endemic Papuan wildlife," he said.

The uniqueness of the small yellow bird of paradise is the significant difference in shape between the female and male. Females tend to be simple, but elegant with a dominant coat color of brilliant brown.

While the male looks beautiful, with magnificent feathers hanging down yellow as we often see in photos, miniatures, or artful ornaments.

While the type of toowa is physically bright, this bird appears with shiny purple feathers on the upper chest, while the lower chest is bronze.