Survey Results, Prabowo, Ganjar And Anies Positions Are Still In The Top Three

JAKARTA - The electability of the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party Prabowo Subianto, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, and DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan are still in the top three positions in the latest survey by the KedaiKOPI agency. These results are read from public opinion regarding the electability of presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) for the 2024 election.

In the open-ended question session, the candidate for the 2024 presidential candidate who was chosen by the most respondents at this time was also Prabowo Subianto. The Minister of Defense scored 23.9 percent.

While Ganjar Pranowo remained in second place with the acquisition of 16.4 percent. In third place was Anies Baswedan who got 12.5 percent.

Furthermore, in the fourth position is Joko Widodo's name with the acquisition of 8.6 percent. Jokowi is still included in this open question. Followed by Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno with 3.6 percent and West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil with 3.3 percent. As for closed questions, Prabowo and Ganjar overtook to occupy the top position. In the no-probing category, Prabowo is in first place with 24.3 percent, followed by Ganjar with 22.9 percent, followed by Anies with 18.5 percent.

While in the probing category, Ganjar managed to overtake Prabowo in first place with 26.4 percent, followed by Prabowo 25.7 percent, and Anies 19.9 percent.

The KedaiKOPI Institute survey was carried out throughout Indonesia on 16-24 November 2021 with the face to face interview or home visit method.

The number of respondents involved was 1,200 and the sampling error was approximately 2.83 percent at a 95.0 percent confidence interval. The population of respondents is voters aged 17-65 years.