Nine Police Chiefs In Jabodetabek Have Been Shifted, Here Are Their Names And Positions

JAKARTA – There has been a reshuffle in the National Police. Based on the information received, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo issued a telegram (STR) containing the names of a number of middle and high-ranking police officers in the Greater Jakarta area.

There are at least nine police chiefs in the Jabodetabek area whose names are listed in the STR numbered ST/2569/XII/KEP.2021.

Here's the list:

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Azis Andriansyah has been transferred to become an Intermediate Policy Analyst for the Criminal Investigation Division of the Police. Azis' position was replaced by Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto, Middle Policy Analyst for the Criminal Investigation Division of the Police.

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Guruh Arif Darmawan has been transferred to Dansatbrimob for the East Java Police. The position of Guruh Arif Darmawan is filled by Kombes Wibowo, who previously served as an Analyst for Middle Policies for the South Kamal Korlantas Polri.

The East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Erwin Kurniawan was replaced by Kombes Budi Sartono, who previously served as an intermediate policy analyst for the Criminal Investigation Department of the Police. Erwin Kurniawan became Kabagrenops Robinops Sops Polri.

Bekasi Metro Police Chief Kombes Hendra Gunawan has been transferred to become an Intermediate Policy Analyst for the National Police SSDM Dalpers Division. Hendra was replaced by an Intermediate Policy Analyst for the Criminal Investigation Division of the National Police, Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan.

Tangerang Police Chief, Kombes Wahyu Sri Bintoro, has been transferred to be an HR Assessor of the Middle Police Kindergarten III SSDM Polri. Wahyu was replaced by an Intermediate Policy Analyst for the Criminal Investigation Division of the National Police, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho.

The Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Deonijiu De Fatima, has been transferred to become an Intermediate Policy Analyst for the Mobile Brigade of the Korbrimob Polri. Deonijiu was replaced by an Intermediate Policy Analyst for the Legal Affairs Division of the National Police Korlantas Kombes Komarudin.

The Bekasi Metro Police Chief, Kombes Aloysius Suprijadi, has been transferred to become an Intermediate Policy Analyst for the Education and Training Division of the National Police. Aloysius was replaced by the Intermediate Policy Analyst for Legal Affairs at the Divkum Polri Kombes Hengki.

South Tangerang Police Chief AKBP Iman Imanuddin has been transferred to Bogor Police Chief. Iman was replaced by Tanah Toraja Police Chief AKBP Sharly Sollu.

Bogor Police Chief AKBP Harun has been transferred to South Jakarta Metro Police Deputy Chief. Harun was replaced by the South Tangerang Police Chief AKBP Iman Imanuddin.

Mutations of office do not only occur at the police chief level in the Jabodetabek area. General Listyo also transferred seven regional police chiefs and two Polri spokespersons.