Prada YB Reportedly Escaped Carrying SS1 V1 Type Rifle

JAKARTA - Prada YB (initials), a member of Infantry Battalion 756/MWS, reportedly fled from his place of duty with one SS1 V1 firearm.

"Organic firearms belonging to the TNI-AD were taken away without ammunition," said Kapendam XVII Cenderawasih Col. Inf. Aqsha Erlangga quoting Antara, in Jayapura, Sunday, December 19.

He said from the report he received, Prada YB who was assigned to Company C Senggi, Keerom Regency, Papua, was known to have fled while on guard duty on Friday, December 17 at around 17.00 WIT.

"Prada Yotam fled with an SS1 rifle without carrying ammunition," Erlangga admitted, adding that the search for the person concerned is still being carried out.

He admitted that until now the motive for Prada YB's escape was unknown. Because from the report received, previously Prada YB had received a call and left his place of duty.

"The case is still being investigated and the search for the person concerned is still being carried out," he said.

Battalion 756/WMS based in Wamena, the capital of Jayawijaya Regency, is one of the battalions in the XVII Cenderawasih Military Command, Papua.

Prada YB Reportedly Escaped Carrying SS1 V1 Type Rifle

JAKARTA - Prada YB (initials), a member of Infantry Battalion 756/MWS, reportedly fled from his place of duty with one SS1 V1 firearm.

"Organic firearms belonging to the TNI-AD were taken away without ammunition," said Kapendam XVII Cenderawasih Col. Inf. Aqsha Erlangga quoting Antara, in Jayapura, Sunday, December 19.

He said from the report he received, Prada YB who was assigned to Company C Senggi, Keerom Regency, Papua, was known to have fled while on guard duty on Friday, December 17 at around 17.00 WIT.

"Prada Yotam fled with an SS1 rifle without carrying ammunition," Erlangga admitted, adding that the search for the person concerned is still being carried out.

He admitted that until now the motive for Prada YB's escape was unknown. Because from the report received, previously Prada YB had received a call and left his place of duty.

"The case is still being investigated and the search for the person concerned is still being carried out," he said.

Battalion 756/WMS based in Wamena, the capital of Jayawijaya Regency, is one of the battalions in the XVII Cenderawasih Military Command, Papua.