Middle-aged Man Found Dead By Hanging Himself, Police Still Conducting Investigation

JAKARTA - The residents of Mangga Dua Village were shocked by the discovery of a man who was desperate to end his life by hanging himself on Jalan Budi Rahayu 3, No 5, RT 10/09, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta. The victim is known to have the initials H (48) from Bogor, West Java

According to Dewi, an eye witness to the incident, she was very surprised when she found out that she had seen the victim's death hanging on the stairs of the house. Dewi then reported to the head of the local RT.

Then the report was forwarded to the officers of the Babinsa of Mangga Dua Selatan Village and Babinkamtibmas of Mangga Dua Selatan Village.

The Head of the Sawah Besar Police, Kompol Maulana Mukarom, confirmed that the victim died as a result of hanging himself in Mangga Dua Selatan.

"The body has been taken to the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) for a post-mortem," said Maulana, Saturday, December 18.

Until now, the police are still collecting and examining witnesses related to the death of the victim. "We are still asking for information from witnesses. The case is still under investigation by the Sawah Besar Police," said Maulana.

Meanwhile, the head of the local RT, Neiske, said that the incident took him by surprise. The reason is, before he was found dead, he had met the victim when accompanying the census officer to attach a sticker.

"We were surprised because before hanging himself, I accompanied the census to see that he (the victim) was still talking to his family. I accompanied the census officer to put a sticker. He (the victim) hanged himself on the steps of the salon," he said when confirmed by reporters, Saturday, December 18.

According to Neiske, the victim was married and had children. His wife and child currently live in Bogor, West Java. "He's a bit quiet. Doesn't interact much with others," said Neiske.