Commission IX Asks The Ministry Of Health To Pay Attention To Muslim Hopes About Halal And Clean COVID Vaccines

JAKARTA - Deputy Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives Melkiades Laka Lena asked the Minister of Health (Menkes) to take an immediate policy for the use of halal and clean vaccines for Muslims in booster vaccinations which are planned to start in early January 2022.

The request to the Minister of Health was delivered at the same time as responding to an appeal from the General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, Said Aqil Siradj, to Muslims to use halal vaccines and stay away from non-halal vaccines.

"The interests of Muslims in Indonesia must really be considered and protected, especially now that a COVID-19 vaccine is available which already has a 100 percent halal and clean certificate," said Melki in a written statement, Saturday, December 18, 2021.

According to the Golkar politician, the halal vaccine has gone through a series of tests at the Indonesian Ulema Council. And, according to his notes, from existing data, there are currently 2 brands of COVID-19 vaccines that have received 100 halal and clean certificates from the MUI.

In addition, the two vaccine brands have also obtained an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) permit or a permit for the emergency use of the COVID-19 vaccine from BPOM and have passed clinical trials for booster vaccines. The two vaccines are Sinovac and Zivifax.

"These two vaccines can also be produced domestically, Sinovac at the Biofarma Factory with a capacity of 240 million doses per year and Zifivax produced at PT Biotis Pharmaceuticas Indonesia with a production capacity of 360 million doses per year,"

"If the government really wants to optimize the use of vaccines that are in accordance with the needs of the Muslim-majority Indonesian people, then it is enough to use these 2 brands," continued Melkiades Laka Lena.

The chairman of the PBNU KH Said Aqil Siradj previously appealed to Muslims to start using a halal COVID-19 vaccine from now on. The appeal to Muslims and in particular to nahdliyin residents was conveyed in line with the issuance of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) certification.

"Don't let us use vaccines that are not halal, or contain pork, which will definitely enter our bodies, and it will have a very long impact. How do we pray, how do we worship, except in an emergency," said Kiai Said.

By consuming something that is not halal, for example containing pork, and then entering the body, it is the same as denying what Allah SWT has ordered through the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

For example, if the condition is really an emergency. Because the current condition is no longer an emergency and there is an option to choose a halal vaccine.

"Now it is no longer an emergency, because there are already halal options, namely Sinovac and Zifivax. In accordance with the words of the Prophet Muhammad 'we have to choose halal'," explained Kiai Said.