Brigadier General Setyo Budiyanto Transferred To Be NTT Police Chief, Firli Bahuri: Coordination And Open Selection

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri said he would coordinate with the National Police regarding the person who would fill the position of Director of Investigation. This is because Brigadier General Setyo Budiyanto, who previously sat in that position, has been withdrawn to serve as the NTT Police Chief.

"To fill the vacated position (Brigjen Setyo Budiyanto), the KPK will coordinate with the National Police Headquarters," Firli said in his statement, Saturday, December 18.

However, in determining the successor, said Firli, his party will still apply the selection. Thus, the person who will take office has the right capacity and credibility.

"But it should be remembered that all those who serve at the KPk go through a selection. So of course the Corruption Eradication Commission will write a letter (regarding the selection) to the National Police Headquarters that the position of Director of Investigation is the Deputy for Enforcement of the KPK," he said.

"At the same time, the KPK will open a selection to fill the position in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations," he continued.

On the other hand, Firli also stated that in the withdrawal of Brigadier General Setyo Budiyanto, he had communicated with the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Where, Firli appreciated this because the withdrawal was a promotion for Brigadier General Setyo Budiyanto.

"All of us, all of us, feel happy and proud of Mr. Setyo Budiyanto's promotion. I have expressed my gratitude to the National Police Chief for the trust," said Firli.

The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo rotated some of his members. One of them, Brigadier General Setyo Budiyanto who served in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

The rotation was stated in the telegram (ST) number ST/2568/XII/KEP/2021 dated December 17, 2021. In which, the ST was signed by AS HR Inspector General Wahyu Widada.

At the KPK, Brigadier General Setyo Budiyanto served as Director of KPK Investigations. Currently, he is assigned as the Chief of the NTT Police.

"Yes, it's true, the mutation process is natural, which includes retirement and tours of duty and area as well as refreshments," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo.

Brigadier General Setyo Budiyanto, who is known to have served as Director of KPK Investigations since September 18, 2020, has been entrusted with replacing Inspector General Lotharia Latif who was transferred as the Maluku Regional Police Chief.