PTPP Board Of Commissioners Makes Working Visit To The Batang Project

JAKARTA - The construction BUMN, PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP), through the Board of Commissioners made a working visit to the Batang Integrated Industrial Estate (KIT Batang) and Batang I Industrial Workers Flats project on Friday, December 17.

The working visit was also attended by the ranks of the Board of Commissioners of PTPP, namely Andi Gani Nena Wea as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner, Nur Rochmad as Independent Commissioner, Loso Judiajanto as Commissioner, and Ayodhia GL Kalake as Commissioner accompanied by the Directors and Management of PTPP, namely Agus Purbianto as Director of Finance & Risk Management, Yul Ari Pramuraharjo as Director of Operations for Infrastructure, Sinur Linda Gustina as Director of HCM & Corporate Strategy, Eddy Herman Harun as Director of Operations for EPC, and Andek Prabowo as SVP of the Building Operations Division.

The KIT Batang or Grand Batang City development project is managed by PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang (PT KITB) which is part of a consortium between PTPP together with state-owned companies and government agencies. The Batang KIT development project is one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) initiated by the government which aims to encourage the strengthening of the industrial sector in Indonesia.

Therefore, PTPP always supports every program launched by the Government in order to increase economic activity in Indonesia. The Batang KIT project has attracted sharp attention from the government and investors.

KIT Batang or Grand Batang City is located in Batang Regency, Central Java Province which has a total land area to be developed of 4,300 hectares. The construction of KIT Batang is divided into three clusters, namely Cluster I covering an area of 3,100 hectares, Cluster II covering an area of 800 hectares, and Cluster III covering an area of 400 hectares.

KIT Batang is one of the selected areas that can become a new industrial center where the opening of the area is expected to bring in foreign investors to invest in Indonesia. Until now, there have been several tenants, both foreign and domestic, who are prospects to occupy the area.

In the future, PT KITB will develop the Sumilir Business Complex which is an Exclusive SFB Cluster located in the heart area of Grand Batang City. The Sumilir Business Complex will be built on a land area of 15.6 hectares with a total building area of 8.8 hectares. The Ready-to-Use Factory Building (BPSP) will be built using a Modular design which has 4 types (type A 45 units, Type B 4 units, Type C18 units, and Type D 17 units) and 1 Warehouse (12 units).

In addition, PT KITB will also develop management buildings, mosques, and commercial areas. In addition to participating in developing investment in KIT Batang, PTPP also acts as a contractor where the company participates in infrastructure project work at KIT Batang, including land preparation, construction regional roads, as well as the construction of residential or flats for employees who will work in this industrial area.

After visiting PT KITB, PTPP Management also made a working visit to the construction project of the Batang I Industrial Workers Flats owned by the Ministry of PUPR. In this project, PTPP acts as the main contractor with a construction period of 300 calendar days.

The Batang I Industrial Worker Flats Project has a contract value of Rp. 125 billion with a target completion of construction in the second quarter of 2022. The building consists of four towers where each tower can be occupied by 252 people.

The scope of the project work includes structural work, architectural work, mechanical electrical plumbing work, environmental work, public facility work, and others. Until the second week of December 2021, the progress of residential construction has reached 55.71 percent, which is 19.25 percent faster than the target.

"We really appreciate that the Batang KIT development project managed by PT KITB is progressing well, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that this strategic project can run well and according to plan," said Andi Gani Nena Wea on the sidelines of a working visit to the project.

“The project for the construction of the Batang I Industrial Worker's Flat was carried out faster than projected, but I need to say that the most important thing is to avoid accidents at work. In addition, the project team is expected to maintain good relations with the community and the surrounding environment. I hope that the quality of PTPP's work will be maintained and improved. The project team is also advised to remain disciplined, and maintain QHSE performance in the work environment and project environment," he added.