Surabaya Satpol PP Members Involved In Drugs Temporarily Dismissed

SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government immediately responded quickly by giving strict sanctions, namely the temporary suspension of members of the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) with the status of state civil servants involved in drug abuse cases.

The Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya City Government Febriadhitya Prajatara ensured that the Personnel and Training Agency (BKD) had given strict sanctions in the form of temporary dismissal in accordance with Government Regulation (PP) RI Number 17 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 11 of 2017 concerning Management of Civil Servants (PNS). ).

"So, yesterday we asked for the detention letter in question. We have raised the letter of temporary dismissal in accordance with PP 17 of 2020," said Febriadhitya, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 17.

It is known that a member of the Surabaya City Government Satpol PP with the initials RD (49) has been arrested by the police for drug abuse cases. RD was arrested by the police at his home on Jalan Ketintang, Surabaya.

Febriadhitya explained that when an ASN is in trouble with the law and is detained, it is certain that the ASN will be temporarily dismissed. Temporary sanctions are given until later there is a decision from the court with permanent legal force or inkrah.

"Because we have to respect the court's decision. So, after all we have to wait from the court, then we will decide the next sanction," he said.

However, Febriadhitya emphasized that so far the Surabaya City Government has not hesitated to give sanctions to every ASN who deals with legal cases. Moreover, the criminal law case is related to the drug problem.

"This means that we do not remain silent or passive. When there are reports that come in regarding the city government's ASN who are dealing with the law, we must immediately respond quickly," he said.