Police Officers In Medan Allegedly Extorted Detainees' Wives, This Is The Result Of Propam's Examination

MEDAN - Police officers in the city of Medan are suspected of extorting the wife of a prisoner. The confession was conveyed by a woman named Eva Susmar Munthe (39) whose husband was detained at the Helvetia Police.

The woman admitted that if she did not pay Rp2 million, her husband, Ramli (39)'s leg, would be shot.

Eva's lawyer from the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Medan, Maswan Tambak, in his statement said that the case began on Tuesday, December 7. At that time, Eva's husband was arrested by officers from the Helvetia Police on suspicion of having stolen stolen goods on Jalan Gatot Subroto, Medan City.

"Currently (her husband) has been detained at the Medan Helvetia police station," said Maswan, Friday, December 17.

According to Maswan Ramli's detention was considered unprocedural. Because since her husband was detained, Eva has never received an arrest warrant or a detention warrant.

In addition, during the legal process, Eva was intimidated by alleged police officers from the Helvetia Police.

"It is suspected that there are 4 individuals who claim to be personnel of the Medan Helvetia Police, one of whom is suspected to be on behalf of Pendi Ginting repeatedly visiting his house in Hamparan Perak District," Maswan explained.

The elements then asked Eva some money.

"The person asked for Rp. 2 million and threatened to shoot Ramli in the leg if the request for this amount of money was not fulfilled," said Maswan.

In addition, allegations of extortion also occurred at the Helvetia Police. It is suspected that the officers of the Medan Helvetia Police with the initials KS and JN were carried out.

It happened, on Thursday, December 9th, at that time, Eva and her niece, named Niyar, visited the Helvetia Police Station. At that time in the room, Eva had time to see her husband with the 2 investigators. Eva later admitted that she was asked to provide some money.

"During the meeting, Eva also revealed that she was asked for Rp. 5 million, allegedly by the KS Examiner, in which the request for money was for the elimination of 1 unit of evidence," he said.

"(Meanwhile) the number of units of evidence that is planned to be abolished is 4 units, meaning that Rp20 million must also be available so that her husband's sentence is commuted," he continued.

According to Maswan, Eva also saw that her husband's body was covered with bruises. Especially on the face and hands. It is suspected that the husband, too, was abused by the police there.

Regarding the incident, Maswan representing LBH assessed that the alleged extortion, threats and torture carried out by members of the Helvetia Police had violated human rights.

"Where every human being has the right to legal protection, guarantees and legal certainty and no one has the right to be discriminated against and every human being has the right to a sense of security, the right not to be tortured and intimidated," he said.

Separately, the Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said that the police officer suspected of blackmailing Eva's husband had been investigated by Propam.

"The report has been investigated by Propam," said Kombes Hadi, Friday, December 17.

However, from the results of the investigation, said Kombes Hadi, no indication of extortion was found.

"The investigation did not find any indication of extortion," he said.