Din Syamsuddin Declares KAMI, NasDem: What Can the Figures Do?

JAKARTA - The Nasdem Party highlights the Declaration of the Action Coalition to Save Indonesia (KAMI). The political party questioned Din Syamsuddin's intention to form the KAMI.

"I am not sure about the goal that says it will improve Indonesia. Because as far as I know, these figures haven't played any role in developing Indonesia. So what are they able to do?" said NasDem Advisory Board Chairman, Siswono Yudo Husodo, Tuesday, August 18.

Siswono also questioned Din Syamsuddin's statement and several figures who narrated Indonesia in a problematic condition. There was no concrete evidence in the narrative.

"Where is the damage? They also mentioned the rise of the PKI. Why don't you point a nose, where is this PKI? In my opinion, KAMI does not have the potential to make things better, but rather a problem," he said.

"If figures like Din and Gatot have a good idea, they can submit it to the DPR or the government," Siswono continued.

The KAMI Declaration was made at the Proclamation Monument by Din Syamsuddin with a number of figures, including former TNI Commander Gatot Nurmantyo. Din Syamsuddin emphasized that KAMI aims to help and deal with national problems.

"Indonesia is experiencing big problems, so let us rise to the rescue. I personally and interfaith leaders, we want to save our beloved country as a national responsibility, as a people's responsibility," said Din Syamsuddin in the declaration.

In front of the masses, Din Syamsuddin emphasized that KAMI was formed as a moral movement. This movement aspires to uphold the truth and create justice for society.

"And we, as a moral movement, together we move and fight. That the moral movement is not devoid of politics, we are also in politics. But we are in moral politics. Our politics are based on moral values," he continued.