'Urang Crew' In Padang Declaration Of Anies Baswedan: It Works Using Brains, Not Muscles

JAKARTA - A number of residents of West Sumatra "Urang Awak" expressed support for Anies Baswedan running for president in the 2024 General Election because he is an intelligent leader and is able to make policies intellectually.

"We don't need the crew to pray, and work for Anies' success so that he can lead the archipelago. May Allah give Anies Baswedan the blessing and opportunity to lead this republic," said the Urang Awak Support Anies declarator, Heru Suardi, in Padang, Friday, December 17. Between.

Heru explained that Anies Baswedan's track record as governor of DKI, favored the interests of the small people. In every issue of the problems of the underprivileged, Anies is considered to have the most deep empathy for them.

"Many policies that clearly take sides are shown, such as in dealing with the problems of street vendors, the Aquarium village, or those who live along Ciliwung and also in dealing with educational problems," he said.

He said the policy towards traders of Kali Lima, as experienced by Minangkabau people in Jakarta, they felt very helped by Anies' policy.

He considered that as ethnic immigrants and traders, there are certainly many Minangkabau people who live in Jakarta who become street vendors. Anies did not displace them, but arranged for them to be able to sell properly, orderly and comfortably.

"It is an extraordinary award to have a leader like Anies Baswedan," he said.

DKI Governor Anies Baswedan (Photo via personal Facebook)

Meanwhile, in the case of the aquarium village which concerns the lives of the Urban Poor (RMK), the narrative that Anies Baswedan built is to build, not displace, but organize.

After that, he collaborated with farmers in Cilacap and Ngawi, namely Anies did not import rice to meet the needs of Jakarta residents, but Anies collaborated with farmers in Cilacap, Central Java and Ngawi, East Java.

Residents of Jakarta can guarantee the availability of rice for their needs and farmers can guarantee that their harvests are absorbed at a good price, so that they can improve their quality of life.

"For those of us who work in the agricultural sector, of course we really hope that Anies can cooperate with farmers in West Sumatra with agricultural commodities such as the famous Solok bareh, vegetables, onions, cabbage, potatoes and chilies in Alahan Panjang. and Agam, so that the urang crew farmers can also enjoy good prices and increase the welfare of farmers," he said.

Anies' concern for remote people's communities through the "Indonesia Mengajar" program. Anies sends thousands of the best graduates from top universities in Indonesia every year to remote areas to teach, educate and motivate people to move forward and catch up.

Then Anies worked not with muscles, but with brains, with intelligence with the concept of naturalization in flood control, then the water had to be drained to a low place and the concept emerged, namely infiltration wells.

"In addition, waste control and transportation synergy in DKI as well as the magnificent stadium, Jakarta International Stadium, will become the pride of the Indonesian people," he said.