Ministry Of Transportation Will Not Increase Flight Capacity During Christmas And New Year

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Transportation does not provide additional flights or extra flights during the Christmas and New Year 2021/2022 period. The Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Civil Aviation has also issued Circular Letter Number 111 of 2021 concerning Regulation of Community Mobility by Air Transportation during the Christmas Period of 2021 and New Year 2022 in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic. This Circular is valid from December 24, 2021 to January 2, 2022. "During the Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022 or Nataru periods, there is no application for additional flight capacity (extra flights)," said Director General of Civil Aviation Novie Riyanto, Friday, December 17.

The Ministry of Transportation appealed to air transportation operators to continue to increase inspections and ensure the airworthiness of aircraft and aircraft personnel on duty. In addition, the ticket refund process and the handling of flight delays must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of delay management and applicable laws and regulations. For travel requirements using air transportation during the Nataru period, Director General Novie explained the complete and negative dose of RT-Antigen vaccination a maximum of 1x24 hours , must be shown. "For people who have not received the full dose of vaccine, or for medical reasons, their mobility is temporarily restricted," he said.

Meanwhile, for people who have not been vaccinated and will travel using air transportation for medical/medical purposes, they are required to show negative RT-PCR for a maximum of 3x24 hours and a certificate from a government hospital doctor. (Lagging behind, leading, outermost) are excluded from the requirements for complete and antigen doses of vaccines. "For children under 12 years of age, the requirements that must be shown are RT-PCR negative (maximum 3x24 hours)," said Novie.

While the provisions for Airport Operators and Aviation Navigation Operators are to improve coordination with relevant stakeholders in the airport environment in order to anticipate the potential for extreme weather in Indonesian territory. "We all hope that this Nataru period can run smoothly and safely. Let's continue to apply the protocol. strict health care, both at the airport and on the plane. Obey the applicable rules. Together we will maintain a healthy, safe and comfortable flight," said Novie.