Home Improvements Affected By Tornadoes In Madiun Are Borne By The Provincial Government, Regency Government And Baznas

SURABAYA - The Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, has ensured that the government will pay for the repair of houses affected by the tornado in Madiun Regency. There were 502 houses damaged after being hit by a hurricane.

"The cost of repairs will be borne by the East Java Provincial Government, Madiun Regency Government, and the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas). The principle is that we all have to provide the best service for the community and move quickly. Of course we hope that people will be calm and not panic, that we are all present to give the best possible attention and protection to the community," said Khofifah, while reviewing the impact of the tornado in Sidomulyo Village, Wonoasri District, Madiun Regency, Friday, December 17.

Khofifah said after the incident, she immediately coordinated with the Regent of Madiun and ordered Plh. Regional Secretary of East Java as Ka. The East Java BPBD and the related Head of the East Java BPBD and OPD, such as the Head of the Social Service, Head of the Public Housing, Settlement and Human Settlements Area (PRKPCK), Head of Bakorwil Madiun and Director of RSUD dr. Soedono Madiun, to directly check the post-disaster conditions and conduct an assessment.

"They went to the field and coordinated with the Regent of Madiun so very quickly I could report on the need for cement, or how many roof tiles to repair damaged houses and public facilities, including damaged stalls. The principle is to find solutions to accelerate recovery from the impact of the tornado here, " he said.

Not only that, Khofifah also appreciated the Regent and Forkopimda Kab. Madiun who quickly reported the conditions and affected houses. After the incident, said Khofifah, it was reported that there were 498 houses affected, which were later updated today as many as 502 houses. "This means that the precision level of data collection by the disaster management team in Madiun Regency is very good," he said.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Madiun Ahmad Dawami Ragil Saputro, said that after the tornado, he and the Forkopimda Kab. Madiun, namely the Police Chief and the Dandim, went straight to the location. Then at night, the affected houses and public facilities were immediately mapped, to be immediately reported to the East Java Governor.

"Alhamdulillah, our report was immediately responded to by the Governor and Alhamdulillah today you are pleased to visit here. Thank you for the presence of the Governor, who has given encouragement to the community. Of course, this cohesiveness and togetherness can ease the burden on relatives whose houses have been affected," he said.

A tornado in Madiun Regency occurred on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. At least four sub-districts were affected, namely in Kec. Jiwan covers Teguhan Village, and Ngetrep Village, Kec. Madiun hit Sirapan Village, and Dimong Village.

Then in the district. Sawahan, to be precise, on Jl. Raya Sidomulyo, and Kec. Wonoasri that hit four villages, namely Sidomulyo Village, Ngadirejo Village, Plummpung Village, and Jatirejo Village. The tornado caused 502 houses and public facilities (fasum) to be damaged, trees fell and several residents were injured.