A New Axis Together With PKB, PPP And PAN: If United, They Will Become A Significant Political Power

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of PAN, Viva Yoga Mauladi, responded to the invitation from the National Awakening Party (PKB) to form a new axis with the United Development Party (PPP). Viva welcomed the discourse. According to him, if properly formed, the PAN and PKB axis will be a significant force in the 2024 presidential election.

"If PAN and PKB are united, of course they will become a significant political force. Because PAN has 44 seats in the DPR and PKB 58 seats in the DPR," said Viva Yoga to reporters, Friday, December 17.

Moreover, he continued, if PPP joins, the axis will be even stronger. Because it can exceed the 20 percent presidential threshold requirement as stipulated in Article 222 of Law 7/2017.

To note, if PAN has 44 seats plus PKB 58 seats and is added to PPP which has 19 seats in the DPR RI, then this combination of political parties can carry presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election. , then a political party must have 115 seats. Meanwhile, the combined axis of PKB, PAN and PPP, if formed, will have 121 seats in the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Previously, the call for the PKB, PAN and PPP axes came from the Deputy Chairperson of the PKB, Jazilul Fawaid. According to him, PKB will be able to carry presidential and vice presidential pairs if it joins PAN and PPP.

"I, as the Deputy General Chair of the Election Winning Sector, want PKB to lead the axis. PPP should also join because they are both green. Just add one more, leaving is already, for example PAN is enough, let's go. Bismillah," said Jazilul.